Primetimers: The Primetimers focus on strengthening the bonds of our older members and helping them to be involved in congregational life. They have their own class Sunday morning that meets in Room 2 at the back of the auditorium. They also try to have a meal together each month.


Women’s Group: There is a women’s class every Wednesday evening in the church library. There is also a Tuesday morning study at times during the year. Fun and fellowship activities include Secret Sisters and Dirty Santa.


Youth Group (7th-12th): There are Bible classes every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening in the upstairs classroom. Each month the youth group has a fun activity, a service project, and a meal together.


Children’s Group (Birth-6th): There are classes for children of all ages. Fun events throughout the year include an Easter Egg Hunt, end-of-school and back-to-school celebrations, VBS, bowling nights, the Fall Festival, and the Christmas Program. Follow on Facebook: Oxford Church of Christ Children’s Ministry –


FaceTime: Small Groups meet each Sunday for Bible study, encouragement, and service projects. Involvement in these groups will enrich your life and help you to be more effective in God’s service.


Power of Choice: This recovery group has a Bible class every Sunday morning in the Library. They also have meetings on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday evenings at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall.